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Special Collection 194
1900 Storm
Special Collections
Special Collection 194
Relief camp
After the Storm
Trinity Episcopal Church.
Rosenberg Women's Home.
Distant view of Galveston Cotton and Woolen Mills
People in horse and buggy going down street amid debris.
Galveston Gasworks
Two-story damaged building, possibly warehouse, with cistern on its roof.
Freshly dug graves
View of Texas Heroes Monument and ruins of St. John's Methodist Episcopal Church.
Debris piled up from wrecked houses
Side view of Bath Avenue School
Workmen taking break under lean-to shelter.
Street scene, showing Galveston County Courthouse (background).
Debris strewn in railroad yard.
Ball High School
Brick layers at construction site.
Wrecked houses
Debris (foreground), and wrecked buildings (background).
Workmen clearing debris along railroad tracks.
Burning bodies near Sacred Heart Church.
Residential damage viewed from roof of house.
House covered with debris
Workmen clearing away debris.
Damaged houses.
Residential devastation.
Galveston Water Works.
Burning bodies.
Pile of debris surrounding damaged house.
Street railway track (foreground) and gutted building (background).
Severely damaged residential area.
Looking along 27th Street at Ursuline Convent (background).
View of beach and pilings in water.
Ruins of Beach Hotel (burned August 23, 1898).
First Baptist Church, damaged.
Women and children waiting outside store for issuance of relief supplies.
Ruins of residential area.
Railroad track (foreground) and debris and wrecked businesses (background).
Distant view of men with horse and buggy amid debris.
Looking from across street at wrecked Galveston Orphans Home and houses.
Galveston Cotton and Woolen Mills.
Debris (foreground); J. Moller & Co. Cotton Warehouse (background).
Workmen clearing debris
Wrecked houses
Wrecked business estabishments.
Wagons passing through flooded residential area.
Harmony Hall.
Workmen placing debris in wagons in residential area.
First Baptist Church, damaged.
Special Collection 194
SC#194-1 Relief camp
SC#194-2 After the Storm
SC#194-3 Trinity Episcopal Church.
SC#194-4 Rosenberg Women's Home.
SC#194-5 Distant view of Galveston Cotton and Woolen Mills
SC#194-6 People in horse and buggy going down street amid debris.
SC#194-7 Galveston Gasworks
SC#194-9 Two-story damaged building, possibly warehouse, with cistern on its roof.
SC#194-10 Freshly dug graves
SC#194-11 View of Texas Heroes Monument and ruins of St. John's Methodist Episcopal Church.
SC#194-12 Debris piled up from wrecked houses
SC#194-13 Side view of Bath Avenue School
SC#194-14 Workmen taking break under lean-to shelter.
SC#194-16 Street scene, showing Galveston County Courthouse (background).
SC#194-17 Debris strewn in railroad yard.
SC#194-18 Ball High School
SC#194-19 Brick layers at construction site.
SC#194-20 Wrecked houses
SC#194-21 Debris (foreground), and wrecked buildings (background).
SC#194-22 Workmen clearing debris along railroad tracks.
SC#194-23 Burning bodies near Sacred Heart Church.
SC#194-24 Residential damage viewed from roof of house.
SC#194-25 House covered with debris
SC#194-26 Workmen clearing away debris.
SC#194-27 Damaged houses.
SC#194-28 Residential devastation.
SC#194-29 Galveston Water Works.
SC#194-30 Burning bodies.
SC#194-31 Pile of debris surrounding damaged house.
SC#194-32 Street railway track (foreground) and gutted building (background).
SC#194-33 Severely damaged residential area.
SC#194-34 Looking along 27th Street at Ursuline Convent (background).
SC#194-35 View of beach and pilings in water.
SC#194-36 Ruins of Beach Hotel (burned August 23, 1898).
SC#194-37 First Baptist Church, damaged.
SC#194-38 Women and children waiting outside store for issuance of relief supplies.
SC#194-40 Ruins of residential area.
SC#194-41 Railroad track (foreground) and debris and wrecked businesses (background).
SC#194-42 Distant view of men with horse and buggy amid debris.
SC#194-43 Looking from across street at wrecked Galveston Orphans Home and houses.
SC#194-44 Galveston Cotton and Woolen Mills.
SC#194-46 Debris (foreground); J. Moller & Co. Cotton Warehouse (background).
SC#194-47 Workmen clearing debris
SC#194-48 Wrecked houses
SC#194-49 Wrecked business estabishments.
SC#194-50 Wagons passing through flooded residential area.
SC#194-51 Harmony Hall.
SC#194-52 Workmen placing debris in wagons in residential area.
SC#194-54 First Baptist Church, damaged.