FamilySearch Affiliate Library

 FamilySearch Affiliate Library

The Rosenberg Library is now a FamilySearch Affiliate Library! What does that mean? When you login to onsite at the Rosenberg you have access to restricted digital records and images that you can't access from home. Currently, Affiliate Libraries have access to about 400 million original records.

Frequent FamilySearch researchers may have noticed that pesky icon of a camera with a key when finding restricted records at home. Those same records are unlocked at the Rosenberg! Restricted records are accessible from library computers (in the 3rd floor computer lab) or any laptop on the library's WiFi. is a free genealogy database containing the largest collection of genealogical and historical materials in the world. FamilySearch is a non-profit organization (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the primary benefactor). In the past, some FamilySearch records were available on microfilm only at Family History Centers. That content is now being digitized and made available at Affiliate Libraries and Family History Centers.

For more information, contact Lauren Martino, Special Collections Manager, at or 409-763-8854 x117.