46-0006 John D. Blagden Papers

46-0006 John D. Blagden Papers
46-0006 John D. Blagden Papers
46-0006 John D. Blagden Papers
46-0006 John D. Blagden Papers
46-0006 John D. Blagden Papers
46-0006 John D. Blagden Papers
46-0006 John D. Blagden Papers

Title: John D. Blagden Papers
Author: Blagden, John D.
Format: Handwritten; 1 item, 7 p
Description: Letter to family in Duluth, Minnesota. Describes conditions in Galveston during Storm. Blagden was serving temporary assignment with Galveston Weather Bureau. Mentions early warnings of Storm. Text reproduced in Casey Edward Greene and Shelly Henley Kelly, eds., Through a Night of Horrors: Voices from the 1900 Galveston Storm (College Station: Texas A&M University Press, c2000), 15-19.
Date: Sept 10, 1900
Terms: U.S. Commerce Department. Weather Bureau; Cline, Isaac M.; Cline, Joseph L.; Broncasiel, _____; Looters; Famine; Cline Residence; Avenue Q - 2511

46-0006 John D. Blagden Papers